We provided support for the Levy Senior
Center and Evanston’s older adult community.​
In partnership with the City of Evanston, we renovated the Oak and Elm Rooms, installing new flooring, cabinetry, and countertops, along with upgraded fitness equipment and storage.
Provided weekly technology assistance sessions for older adults.
Provided games and prizes for a variety of activities.
We created opportunities for socialization
and connection for older adults through
free cultural events and programming.
Presented a diverse lineup of online and in-person Levy Lectures.
Subsidized Levy Senior Center outings to cultural experiences through the Dennis Newton Scholarship Fund.
Offered High Lights writing workshops in partnership with Northlight Theatre.
Offered free tickets to theater productions in partnership with Northlight Theatre and the Wirtz Center for Performing Arts.
Provided free music to the public through our Jamming Jean Concerts and Fran Randall Music Series.
Piloted an intergenerational program, Talking Benches, where Levy Senior Center members were paired with volunteer ETHS students.
We helped maintain the Levy Senior Center
building, grounds and equipment.​
Renovated the courtyard Rothschild Garden with community partners, Garden Club of Evanston.
Held free Farm Stand Fridays from June through October with the Garden Club of Evanston and Evanston Grows.
Funded garden maintenance for the north and south front gardens and
the Rothschild Gardens. -
Refurbished the courtyard furniture, including the metal tables and chairs.
We supported and celebrated longevity.​
Provided a free healthy interactive cooking class with a chef.
Offered free yoga classes with a first class yoga instructor.
In partnership with Evanston Grows, provided recipe demonstrations at the Levy Free Farm Stand.
Supported Hoops for the Ages Senior Basketball Tournament for Men and Women.
Sponsored eleven teams at the National Senior Games in Pittsburgh.
Gifted nine free Levy Senior Center memberships as part of our Heaven Can Wait program for ages 90+.
Supported the Aging Well Conference as a sponsor.