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Classical Musicians Captivate with an Intriguing Program

January 17, First Fran Randall Concert of 2020 Features Trio and Flutist

Almost 100 people gathered in the Maple Room for an afternoon of classical music on Friday, January 17th. First up was a trio; pianist, Lam Wong, violist Chloè Thominet and cellist Peter Eom. Brought together by Wong, these three Northwestern graduate students wowed the room with four chamber pieces by Johannes Brahms composed for a clarinet. However, Wong adapted them for the viola, which, as he explained, is quite a feat for a violist. Ms. Thominet was up to the challenge and played extraordinarily well. From slow and soothing to rousing and up-tempo, the audience was mesmerized by the music and seemed to move along with the expert renditions.

The next performer was flutist Evan Fojtik, also a graduate student at Northwestern. His playing and his remarks before each piece were lively and enlightening. Both well-known and obscure classical pieces had been chosen by Mr. Fojtik. He began with a famous Debussy, then switched to a relatively unknown George Philipp Telemann. He also played a Bach sonata and Bozza, both crowd-pleasers.


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