If you could collect anything in the world, what would it be?
Bottle caps? Coins? Handbags?
How about clocks?
For 11 years, it has been the dream of the Halim family to build a museum to house and share their collection of 1,100 time pieces and over 70 stained glass pieces of art. Some of the works are over 300 years old!
Join us for a Senior Day Trip to the new Halim Time and Glass Museum in Evanston. If it's broken, they fix it! If it's missing, they replace it!
We will make time to see their personally curated collection and lunch is included in the trip.
The trip to the Halim Time and Glass Museum is on Thursday, April 19 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The fee for this Senior Day Trip is $40 for Levy members and $55 for nonmembers. The class number is 514008A8.
Senior Day Trip transportation is underwritten by the Levy Senior Center Foundation. Day Trip participants meet at the Levy Senior Center and are provided transportation in a new-and-exclusive Senior Bus.
The Levy Senior Center Foundation also allocates Dennis Newton Scholarships for seniors who wish to attend Senior Day Trips but are financially incapable.
Contact the Levy Senior Center at (847) 448-8250 or email levycenter@cityofevanston.org for more information about the event, registration, and questions regarding Dennis Newton Scholarships.