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Free Memberships for Seniors Age 90+

The Heaven Can Wait program is designed to honor our most experienced community members.

Evanston seniors age 90 and older receive free annual Levy Senior Center memberships. That means you get all the perks and discounts of membership at no cost!

The Levy Senior Center Foundation subsidizes Levy Senior Center annual membership fees for Heaven Can Wait program participants. To qualify, registrants need to show an official ID with date of birth when registering at the Levy Senior Center.

Spry seniors age 55 and up can receive a Levy Senior Center membership at $34 for residents of Evanston, and $54 for non-residents. Register for the annual Levy membership at the Levy Senior Center front desk. If you have any questions, give the center a call at (847) 448-8250 or email

Sign up for the Levy Senior Center Foundation newsletter to learn about programs and projects we support at the center.

You can support programs like Heaven Can Wait by donating to the Levy Senior Center Foundation. Contributions are accepted online, by mail, and in person. Visit our Donate page to contribute directly on our website – it’s safe, easy, and quick.

The Levy Senior Center Foundation is immensely grateful for donations of any kind. Thank you for supporting Evanston seniors and providing the funds necessary to foster enriching experiences!


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