Senior Day Trips are a special occasion at the Levy Center. Day trips take groups to fantastic performances, on delicious food forays, and behind the scenes of local history.
Day trips are designed with accessibility in mind. In 2016, the Foundation sponsored a new bus to alleviate the stress of transportation. The Foundation also provides day trip scholarships for seniors who want to attend but are constrained by costs.
The Dennis Newton Fund is used by the Foundation to allocate donations toward Senior Day Trip scholarships, transportation and exclusive trips.
In 2017 and 2018, the Foundation also sponsored ticket raffles for members to win the chance to see the Broadway-hit musical Hamilton. Nearly forty members won tickets, dinner and transportation in the Hamilton raffle.
Donations made to the Dennis Newton Fund are crucial contributions and make an immediate impact on Levy seniors. You can sponsor a Senior Day Trip scholarship by donating to the Dennis Newton Fund!
Donations made to the Dennis Newton Fund are used exclusively for trips and transportation. You can also personalize your donation by specifying a tribute. Donate directly on our website or stop by the Levy Center front desk.
The Levy Senior Center Foundation is immensely grateful for every gift made to enrich the lives of seniors!